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. Human Development & Family Science; Oklahoma State University
-M.S. Counseling; Loyola University New Orleans
-Certified Professional Life Coach; FWI
-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer; AFAA
Bio With an extensive background in mental health and fitness, Whitney is well prepared to help you reach your wellness goals. She asserts that we are all continually growing and evolving, she uses this understanding throughout her Life Coaching and Personal Training practices. If you are looking to increase strength, tone, endurance, and even specified sculpting, Whitney is a great resource for your personal training needs. She will help you define what “fit” and “health” mean to YOU and create obtainable goals for guaranteed success. You will be motivated with excitement, met with understanding and treated as an individual. Using a certified personal trainer helps to ENSURE personal accountability, gives you a true measure of improvement and limits the likelihood of injury. Clients with current injuries, obesity, or other special needs, are always welcome. You are not limited from activity, activity is modified for YOU.